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inCust is a Customer Interaction and Lifecycle Management (CLM) software platform that is based on loyalty programs. It allows you to build a long-lasting relationship with your customers by offering rewards and benefits to those who repeatedly engage with your online store. inCust provides mass-market businesses with a wide choice of instruments that help to increase the efficiency of interactions with customers.

Getting Started

To successfully configure inCust as a destination in Ucraft Next, you need to create an inCust account to get the API Key.

Get the API Key

  1. Log in to the inCust account.
  2. Go to Settings > Terminals and salespeople on the left sidebar.
  3. Click API Key and Create API Key in the pop-up window.

Set up inCust

  1. Go to Apps on your Ucraft Next Dashboard.
  2. Click Get App.
  3. Select inCust in the App Store.

Tip: To easily switch projects, click the project switcher at the top left of the page.

  1. Click Get App and then click Install.

  1. Complete the purchase flow and click Go to my project.
  2. Enter API Key and click Save Changes.